@zerocaps@todd I'm not sure I believe nobody wanted the job. I don't know what exactly the USSF is doing, but like, there's a lot that should be appealing to any decent coach. The player pool is huge and there's talent in there; the facilities available are excellent; finances are stable; the narrative, spotlight on US as a world leader that's an outsider in the sportβ¦
@todd no one better wanted the job. They could have done a lot worse than this.
@zerocaps @todd I'm not sure I believe nobody wanted the job. I don't know what exactly the USSF is doing, but like, there's a lot that should be appealing to any decent coach. The player pool is huge and there's talent in there; the facilities available are excellent; finances are stable; the narrative, spotlight on US as a world leader that's an outsider in the sportβ¦