🐾 Holly got to try the Monon Trail today.

Pupper in the snow.Pupper walking the MononThe potty areas were sus.

Today I met someone who had a surgical intervention where they added a cadaver bone to his back and…I had no idea that was a thing?

🕊️ Interesting historical perspective on “community of goods”.

Of course, there is a variety of interpretations today, too, especially with Bruderhof entering the mix. #Anabaptism500

"In Switzerland, the practice of community of goods meant primarily a common treasury or a sharing between individual families to help needy members in a congregation, and also a refusal to take money from interest or rent. Community of goods meant something different for Hutterites in Moravia, where it eventually came to involve a congregation living together as a household. The practice of community of goods was short-lived among Swiss Anabaptists. When they came under increasing suspicion and pressure from civil authorities, they made clarifications that they had not advocated confiscating property from wealthy people but only wished to implement apostolic practice in the church. Community of goods became a rule against exploitation and about sharing in the congregation." (J Denny Weaver, Becoming Anabaptist)

🎲📚 Following up from my last post:

My top shelf is coming along. It’s got the “really phenomenal physical artifact” books. Tag yourself! #TTRPG

Not shown:

  • Trilemma Adventures 1 (it’s sideways)
  • Vaults of Vaarn (currently being used for inspiration)
  • solo or BWHQ books (have their own shelves)
A collection of role-playing game books and sourcebooks is neatly arranged on a wooden shelf.

🎲 What’s the best place to resell RPG books these days? #TTRPG

For perspective, these are everything from “still in the wrapper” to “classic and gently used”

No, you’re pouring a protein shake into protein cereal.

“Oligarchically Correct” is useful terminology.

🐾 Everyone please welcome Holly.

Here she is being a little bit of a rascal and on the lookout for floofy borbs:

a beagle mix sits on the back of a reading chair by a large window, looking outside at at the snowy backyard.

She’s a 10 month or so beagle-terrier-and-what-have-you. She plays hard but also naps & snuggles hard.

She’s doing great with us and we’re lucky to have found her!

🎶 I was really hoping the saxophonist on ESA’s “Saturnalia” was Christoph Clöser (from Bohren & Der Club of Gore and a guest appearance on Kardashev’s “Beyond the Passage of Embers”) but it’s Matt “chops” Thompson.

Either way, I missed my calling playing sax for jazz, metal, and industrial.

🎶 good beats about cryptids. What’s not to like?