
    ๐ŸŽถ While I’m strolling down musical nostalgia lane….

    Embodyment’s The Narrow Scope of Things really stands the test of time.

    ๐ŸŽถ Apparently we’ve shifted the musical Overton window enough in this house that my spouse was like “are you intentionally choosing mild Zao songs?” when I was simply playing one of their classic albums.

    Zaoโ€™s Liberate Te Ex Inferis album cover, showing a closeup of Jesse Smithโ€™s hand on his face, with black eye makeup and black nails.

    ๐ŸŽถ Igorrr put on the the best live show Iโ€™ve ever seen tonight (and Iโ€™ve seen them before).

    With the last two albums, they have enough music that classifies as โ€œsongsโ€ that they have so much goodness to work from.

    ๐ŸŽถ Just sayinโ€™. Head-banging opera singers are pretty rad.

    ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜†. Yessss! Gautier actually played the little bit on the recorder live. (To much fanfare).

    ๐ŸŽถ Igorrr songs can have accordion, harpsichord, operatic singing, death metal, breakcore, and more. All in the same song.

    ๐ŸŽถ for those who donโ€™t get the Igorrr chicken imagery, he has created a couple (non-album) videos like this.

    ๐ŸŽถ I love that the PA music between Melt Banana and Igorrr is: gentle classical piano.

    On another note: I think the bands tonight represent: Cuba, Germany, Japan, France, and Greece. (May be some Iโ€™m missing with Igorrrโ€™s lineup change.)

    ๐ŸŽถ Soon

    A banner for Igorrr. With a chicken.

    ๐ŸŽถ ok, Melt Banana: ใ™ใ”ใ„!!!

    ๐ŸŽถ another concert tonight. Otto von Schirach is possibly weirder than (current) Igorrr.

    Heโ€™s like a character out of an Adult Swim cartoon.

    This is not an insult.

    ๐ŸŽถ perfect ending to Furnace Fest 23. Both Haste the Day singers, rowdy crowd, chaos, caring, and beauty.

    I will stand I will stand When everyone falls away I will fight this war forever Or until I die

    partial video from my vantage point #FF23

    ๐ŸŽถ last saw Haste the Day when they finished their going away tour at home in Indy. This ought to be fun. Hope they bring Jimmy Ryan back up onstage for a little more vs. #FF23

    ๐ŸŽถ time for Prayer for Cleansing which is kinda a BtBaM encore, sorta. Maybe? Not really. #FF23

    ๐ŸŽถ Sound went out for a little bit during Between the Buried and Meโ€™s set and they just carried on because they are pros. #FF23

    Also, itโ€™s kinda awkward to restart a song when it could be like a 17-minute song.

    ๐ŸŽถ Very excited for BtBaM. Surprisingly, this will be my first time seeing them. Rumored to be playing all old stuff, tonight. #FF23

    ๐ŸŽถ Ok, I heard a lot of chatter about Callous Daoboys so checked them out. Theyโ€™re having a ton of fun. Bonus points for electric violin and tenor sax at the Shed Stage. #FF23

    ๐ŸŽถ good on BtBaM for having a few non-black clothing options. #FF23

    ๐ŸŽถ There’s been someone scoring stage dives this weekend, and it’s been hilarious and awesome. From her post in the #FF23 community:

    Now I know some if you think I’ve been a bit harsh with my scoring but I have some high standards. The things I’m looking for are distance. If you don’t make it past the first or second row is it even a dive? Style. No floundering. Looking like a dead fish isn’t gonna get you anywhere. And hight. Use those legs people you have em for a reason.

    These are the medals she has yet to award:

    stage dive scoring signs (1-10) and available medals: belly flop, best in fest, stage dives high fives, careless whisper, youth attack, big man small moves, distance jumper, unwarranted stage dive

    ๐ŸŽถ today is โ€œlocal dayโ€ for me because Iโ€™ll be going to the event and set with Haste the Day, seeing Trenches, and (just learned this on Friday) one of my coworkers is in Plea for Purging. #FF23

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