📑 via @ayjay

"Try, in every way we can think of, to increase the number of situations in our lives in which we are neither dehumanized by an omnipotent state nor engaged in ceaseless competition with one another in an omnipotent marketplace." (ayjay, Anarchism as a Spiritual Discipline)

📑 Sunday Quote

> The other problem with big-tech recommendation systems is they’re designed by people who are convinced that “popularity” and “recency” equal “valuable”&10;&10;(Medium, “Rewilding Your Attention”)

📑 Sunday Quote

“We’re called to be peacemakers, and peacemakers cannot be fearmongers”

📑 Sunday Quote

> "That diabolical connection—demons associated with the political kingdoms of the world—is highlighted right at the start of the New Testament. In the temptation narratives in the Gospels, Satan is described as ruler over all the kingdoms in the world: The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.” (Luke 4:5-6) I don’t think the connection between the spiritual and the political could be any clearer. The price for political power is spiritual allegiance. Jesus rejects both offers, refusing to worship Satan and refusing to rule the world through political power. Turning his back on Satan, Jesus sets out to establish a very different sort of kingdom exercising a very different sort of power as a very different sort of King." (Richard Beck, Reviving Old Scratch)

📑 Sunday Quote

"In contemporary American culture our slavery to the fear of death produces superficial consumerism, a fetish for managing appearances, inauthentic relationships, triumphalistic religion, and the eclipse of personal and societal empathy. These are the “works of the devil” in our lives, works produced by our slavery to the fear of death." (Richard Beck, The Slavery of Death)

📑 Sunday Quote 🏴

(via @ayjay )

"So this is what I have come around to, this is how I have made sense of my obsession with anarchism: the first target of anarchistic practice ought to be whatever it is *in me* that resists anarchy—what resists negotiation, the turning toward the Other as neighbor and potential collaborator." (Alan Jacobs, Between Chaos and the Man)

📑 Sunday Quote: unfortunately still holds up.

"Every job will be automated until only five remain: a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal." (Ben Werdmüller)

Courtesy of @benwerd

📑 Sunday Quote

from No Time to Spare: Thinking about What Matters by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚

"“It doesn’t have to be the way it is” is a playful statement, made in the context of fiction, with no claim to “being real.” Yet it is a subversive statement. Subversion doesn’t suit people who, feeling their adjustment to life has been successful, want things to go on just as they are, or people who need support from authority assuring them that things are as they have to be. Fantasy not only asks “What if things didn’t go on just as they do?” but demonstrates what they might be like if they went otherwise—thus gnawing at the very foundation of the belief that things have to be the way they are." (Ursula K. Le Guin, Karen Joy Fowler (Introduction), No Time to Spare)

📑 Sunday Quote

"“Every time we have an outage, we’ll be conducting a blameless post-mortem like this one. The spirit and intent of these sessions are to learn from them, chronicling what happened before memories fade. Prevention requires honesty, and honesty requires the absence of fear. Just like Norm Kerth says in the Agile Prime Directive, ‘Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand.’" (Gene Kim, The Unicorn Project)

Sunday Quote 🕊️🏴

Call to Worship&10;Left: What burden do we bear? Is it the yoke of empire, heavy as cast iron, shackling our lives to the machinery of power?&10;Right: Let us bind ourselves to the plowshare of Christ.&10;Its crossbeam is light. Its harness rings with bells.&10;Left: We do not wish to harden the earth with our weight or trample&10;the oppressed with our force.&10;Right: We yearn to turn over the ground and sow the seed of peace&10;and compassion!&10;All:&10;Gracious God, we relinquish the burden of empire. We long to shoulder all those who mourn.&10;Prayer of Invocation&10;Welcome