• 🃏 Working Title: Enclaves. A post-apocalyptic card-based RPG. Inspirations: Borderlands, Dark Sun, Neal Stephenson.
  • 🎭 Working Title: Lucid. A global, serial LARP about people who shape dreams and gather in the real world. Angle: LARP-first rules; not an adaption.
  • 📬 Working Title: none. A play-by-post system. Angle: PbP-first rules, not an adaption. Responders have everything they need to write a complete update without waiting.
  • 🎲 Working Title: none. My own D20-compatible hack. Roll-under. Play-to-improve. Inventory as hits. Signature items.
  • 🎲 Working Title: none. A game for my nibling. Inspiration: monster trucks, super heroes, Star Wars.