Category: Dogs
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🐾 Time for the dog show. Something I both love (yay doggos!) and hate (boo for those overbred to be unhealthy).
🐾 We love puppysongs in this house, but with these last two it should have been “barky pupperino” ✅ and “borky floof” ❎.
Copied from Facebook post:
Todd wanted me to tell Katherine that I labeled Gidget a ‘Regal Dork’
Me the next day:
Update: we have determined Siku is a ‘Luxurious Dunce’
In this morning’s Songs with Doggies segment, we incorporate Siku and Gidget into “Wherever I May Roam” with extra Hetfield-esque declarations of “Yeah” and “No.” Yeah-eh-yeah-eeeeh!
Turned up music loud it enough that maybe dog wouldn’t hear printer, but she has an ear for detecting and attacking machines.