- Checked to see if there are any play tests this year (more on that, later)
- Picked up an (additional) copy of Miseries & Misfortunes, to supplement the Kickstarter
- Got the small zine game Catch the Devil
- Most excitedly, I commissioned a toned paper sketch from David Peterson AKA Mouse Guard
- I’m a fan of the Vampire the Masquerade product line (before problems with 5th edition and their catering to abusers and the alt right, anyway). I’d been wanting Beckett’s Jyhad Diary for a while, but held off due to cost. IPR had a nice sale, so I got a copy.
- Also on the Vampire front, they had physical copies of the Prince’s Gambit. This is another type of game I’m always up for: parlor/social-deduction game.
- I also grabbed Companions’ Tale, because it’s a mapmaking and collaborative storytelling game. I like the idea of examining what version of the stories live, too.
- IPR also had physical decks for the small LARP Winterhorn, which is a game where you play the regime trying to stop peace & justice activists. Understandably, this is an educational LARP which can help to threat-model our own activism efforts, examining how we might be more resilient and effective.
- Torchbearer 2 has a ton of revisions, they’re very excited about it, and they’re looking at how they can get some great playtesting and feedback before publishing
- Miseries & Misfortunes is going to start having some setting, scenario, & lifepath expansions because the 5 years in Paris (1648-1652) is concurrent with interesting things happening in many other places in the world (and is apparently called “the general crisis” by some historians)
- The “secret playtest” we did at #GenCon2018 has had more playtests, and much of the design work is complete, but i’ts been a bit on the back burner as other projects have taken front stage (and the challenging parts of component, art, etc. production have come up)
#GenCon19 Day 2
I started today off with some Games on Demand, and Miles, Christian, and I got to try the Penthouse playset with a couple others. It was epic in both the funny and horrible ways that Fiasco should be. Fiasco at GenCon seems to now be an annual thing for Miles and me.
Then, it was time for our Aecer’s Light Burning Wheel game with Mad Jay. We had a great time, and I’m very interested in what he is doing with the Wolfen and Roden in Burning Wheel. The zine and scenario are going to be great!
I got a chance to swing by the Burning Wheel Headquarters booth and see David Peterson (AKA Mouse Guard) in action, working on the piece I commissioned. That was quite the treat, and I’m really excited about how it is going to turn out!
I also found a good-condition used physical copy of the D6 System book, which you may recognize as the core rules that powered West End Games Star Wars (and other games).
The day ended with a fun dinner with friends. Looking forward to another great day at #GenCon19
#GenCon2019 Day 1
I started GenCon off right by going to the gym before opening ceremonies! I am happy of myself!
When the expo hall opened, I made a straight line to the BWHQ booth, as has become my tradition:
Indie Press Revolution is always a good booth to check out physical RPG products. Bonus: they email you a copy of the digital book when you buy physical. I found some great stuff:
I also swung by Posthuman Studios, and picked up my Kickstarter version of Eclipse Phase 2nd Ed. As usual, these folks were really cool to chat with at the booth.
Our coupon book had a free copy of Dwar7s Duel so I had to grab that, because Dwarves. It looks to be a simpler version of Dwar7s Fall, maybe?
And finally, I couldn’t let a GenCon go buy without my customary Timid Monster. These are very cool and I have a little stand for them in my office.
After the expo hall, I enjoyed a hilarious game of Goblin Quest with Miles at Games on Demand, my favorite place to try cool RPGs.
Up next was the update panel from Burning Wheel Headquarters. We heard about what’s going on with the Burning Wheel universe. In summary:
Tonight, I’ll be joining a big game of Torchbearer that got coordinated via the Burning Wheel forums.
We need to change the institutions:
Today’s quote:
Clever idea:
I started a “stress note” in my Notes app where I keep a list of whatever I’m anxious about. Anytime I add something new I reread my past worries and if they no longer matter (which is usually the case), instead of deleting them I apply the strikethrough style. There is something very calming and self-affirming in doing this, and as the list grows I actually find it very beautiful to look at.
from Cool Tools
Have any of you already played [Bloc by Bloc](
It’s often frustrating to try to figure out the direct flight options from a city. Not anymore. Flights From
As I read this post about “Calm Technology”, an annoying subscribe popup happened right as I got to the “annoying notifications” spot on the chart. There’s also an obnoxious banner running through the whole article. Unacceptable. Change has to start with oneself.
I had some folks ask for more details about my Digital Declutter experiment. That podcast episode is now up for subscribers of Resilient. #resilient
Short film: Multiverse
New mantra for evaluating podcasts 🎙: is this more valuable to me than listening to a book 📖 ?
Hobonichi finally announces non-dated notebook!
🔗 Links for Resilience #2. Reading for security, society, sustainability, and self.
Highly successful HPB run 📚 Bonus: that’s a signed edition of Fall
for Resilient, I interviewed Curtis Brazzell for his Kickstarter project “M is for Malware”. Check it out!
Bodexpress is the real winner. 🐎
My latest Resilient newsletter is out: Links for Resilience, where I share articles, quotes, and comments about security, society, and self.
Collection of short films to commemorate the Alien 40th anniversary.