
    Sunday Quote

    πŸ“š The Time-Block Plannner by Cal Newport ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Newport’s method is not new, but the planner summarizes it well and provides a good structure for executing it.

    The physical product is less fit for purpose (page size, binding, paper), so practicing here and moving elsewhere.

    TIL: text-only version of CNN

    (previously, text-only version of NPR)

    We need more non-hyper news options like these.

    Have you been involved in an early reviewer program where:

    • the books are good quality
    • you get them in an ebook, not pdf format

    Would love to hear about it.

    Maybe this isn’t really a thing, because books of that caliber don’t need help getting good reviews?

    Sunday Quote

    πŸ“š Now Reading: Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson.

    This is unfortunately not a sequel to Warbreaker, but will hopefully be good anyway.

    Sunday Quote:

    Sunday Quote

    takeaway from Borat Subsequent Moviefilm πŸŽ₯: Jeanise and the ladies in the synagogue deserve medals. πŸ₯‡

    Sunday Quote:

    The recommendation is for several reasons, including: a better fat profile (omega ratio), better micronutrients, and better carb profile (fiber over simple).

    A song for Columbus Day 🎢

    (which should actually be Indigenous Peoples' day)

    🎢: Silent Planet - Native Blood

    The barren wastes, bearing down on me.1 Cracks in the clouds leave me wondering: Did the oceans dry out and return to the sky, for a privileged perspective of our final goodbye?

    Pretend it’s a house of peace while she’s buried underneath. You built your Father’s house over my mother’s grave.2

    Bodies - a mass grave collapse the concave floor. These sanctimonious steeples will meet us in the dirt. Because the earth is trembling,3 if only we had eyes to see it shake. Ignorant until we expire.

    When the ocean fills our veins and the soil becomes my bones:4 Maybe we’ll fall asleep tonight to the madness in the melody poured out for slaves.

    We were dressed in potential now we’re draped in sorrow.

    Our race is a bloodstain spattered on a profane political campaign - manifest your destiny. Stripes and stars comprise my prison bars - the cost of liberty.5

    Maybe we’ll fall asleep tonight to the madness in the melody poured out for slaves. Maybe this storm is a perfect score for wretched bodies washed ashore, poured out for me.6

    The life I loved looking up at me: saplings struck like daggers hemorrhaging streams as the breath of my people return to the ground7 so forests can once more abound.

    The suffering cross that overcame,8 the name of Love made concurrent with shame.

    This melody - I thought it familiar it sounds like your heartbeat keeping time,9 then you turn and remind me that this pain has a purpose. And maybe we’ll fall asleep tonight.

    Brought to you by the same band I’m covering in #Northern Fires

    1. South Dakota badlands ↩︎

    2. Indian Removal Act of 1830 ↩︎

    3. Proverbs 30:21 ↩︎

    4. Inspired by a quote attributed to Chief Seattle of the Suquamish tribe ↩︎

    5. The Dawes Act of 1887 ↩︎

    6. Matthew 5:45 ↩︎

    7. Psalm 146:4 ↩︎

    8. Christus Victor ↩︎

    9. *irregular - JLW ↩︎

    πŸ“š Now Reading: Regenerative Agriculture by Richard Perkins

    Sunday Quote Part 2 (saying it another way):

    Sunday Quote:

    Sunday Quote

    πŸ“š Finished Reading: The Shadows by Alex North. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Recommended.

    Horror-Thriller with a dreaming angle. I only had the loan for 7 days, and read it quickly in 2.

    I first heard Sanctum during Cornerstone Music Festival. They’re a Swedish electro/industrial/experimental group.

    I listen to a lot of eclectic music, but theirs is still one of the most strangely-beautiful I’ve ever heard.

    Recommend starting with Clarify or Lupus in Fabula

    Sunday Quote:

    Sunday Quote

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