Doing the good work: niblings now know Euchre πŸƒ

    🎲 Herbalist’s Primer arrived, and it is glorious.

    (Other awesome RPG artifacts for size comparison)

    🎲 An RPG where all the NPCs and creatures are horrors from Stable Diffusion.

    This is “lizard man, apocalyptic wasteland, Landscape” variant from a previous version of that prompt.

    (This is kinda what I was already doing for my game/setting but didn’t expect so many weird horrors)

    🎲 played around with Diffusion Bee last night and it’s going to be awesome for personal game/setting development.

    #Inktober22 Day 1: Gargoyle

    🎲 an RPG where you used old baseball card stats as the randomizer

    🎲 Quick experiment creating a dungeon map using a grid background and photo foreground.

    (This one had been a πŸ“Έ of a 🐰)

    🎲 Druid for an upcoming DND game: Erion

    (Note: I had some really wild stat rolls.)

    πŸ“šπŸŽ² Finished reading: Into the Odd (remastered).

    What do you like about it? Have you played it? Have you taken anything from it for another game?

    Becoming a 1st level ranger 🎲 and sleuthing around πŸ”Ž

    Two little audio stories from today’s adventures.

    🎲 Let's Make a Hexmap!

    I need a hazardous hexmap for a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy-meets-dark-fantasy game I’m developing to play with some friends. I think things like this always end up more interesting when the input of multiple people creates emergent complexity. That’s where you come in!

    map v5

    (I’ll make a cleaner version with canonical symbols, once we complete the exercise.)


    1. Reply: you can send a webmention as a reply to this post, reply on micro.blog (see link below), or reply by email (see link below).
    2. Place an element: pick from the menu below (a terrain selection or a point of interest), and give me coordinates for it. I’ll place it if it doesn’t invalidate one I already placed, and then update the map.
    3. Two then you: you only get to take another turn if two other changes have happened since the one you requested.


    1. Terrain (color): Choose 3 hexes of one terrain type and 1 hex of another terrain type. They must be contiguous (connected) with one another. Assume hexes are 25 miles-ish. I’ll need coordinates for all 4. Note: All hexes will eventually get a terrain.
      1. Swamp (green): soggy areas filled with things that lurk, where people scrap together whatever safety they can, often on stilts or in the trees
      2. Wasteland (purple): radiation, toxic spills, infestation, or other terrible things make this land inhospitable to all but the most resilient of beings
      3. Desert (orange): whether sand, rock, glass, or worse, people here are often nomadic, seeking out scarce resources wherever they can find them
      4. Mountain (black): steep, formidable, and buffeted by strong winds, people usually live and move inside, rather than trying to cross them
      5. Archipelago (teal): the waters are filled with small islands, harsh storms, and predators, and people make their way around in small craft and flotillas
    2. Point of interest (letter). Only one of these may exist on a hex. You can place them regardless of if the terrain is chosen already, or not.
      1. Skyship (S): It looms overhead, slowly making its way across the landscape. Restriction: only one on the map. If it is already placed, you may choose this again to move it one hex in any direction.
      2. Metropolis (M): What could even sustain a population in these horrid lands? Something has, because many are here. Restriction: only one per terrain type.
      3. Gathering (G): There are people here, though in smaller quantity. Maybe permanently as a settlement, maybe temporarily or nomadically.
      4. Conflict (C): Nobody wants to be here, not even those involved.
      5. Ruin (R): Wonders from a previous era, for those brave or foolish enough to investigate.
      6. Phenomenon (P): This strange thing shouldn’t exist, and yet reports say it does.

    🎲 Working on a game that’s part Dark Sun and part Mothership and should be able to steal from adventures for both. Best idea or worst idea?

    🎲 A roguelite TTPRG where chargen is quick but meaningful, character loss or swap-out is common, and experience provides options or benefits to future characters.

    This probably exists already? Pointers welcome if so. If not, let’s make it.

    🎲 Updated πŸ”₯☸️ stack

    Not pictured, Mouse Guard and 1st and 2nd ed. Torchbearer

    A couple of my friends are launching a crowdfunded game, soon:

    🎲 The Real Thing RPG an official Faith No More 🎢 PbtA game.


    1. First RPG you played: WEG Star Wars
    2. Last RPG you played: Blades in the Dark
    3. RPG you played most often: Burning Wheel
    4. RPG you recommend: Dominion Rules is a hidden open source gem #ttrpg #ttrpgs

    H/T @rafial@hackers.town

    🎲 I want a role-playing game where Dixit cards are the spells.

    🎲 First official RPG credits and the collection is gorgeous!

    🎲 Torchbearer 2nd ed. set showed up, but won’t have a chance to look at it til tomorrow. Ob 4 Will test.

    🎲 Played D&D and didn’t roll the dice once.

    Doing it wrong?


    Doing it very right?

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